Take the Money and Run
Last week, Little Caesar explained to the press why
there was no mention of Iraq in his recently outlined
“12 Commitments to the American People.”
“What I was trying to do was to look at the
things, as best as you can predict it now, that are
going to be there a year and a half from now,” he
said. “Iraq may get better; Iraq may get worse.
We may be successful in Iraq; we may not be. I
don’t know the answer to that. That’s in the
hands of other people. But what we do know for
sure is the terrorists are going to be at war with
us a year, a year and a half from now.”
Ahhh... America’s Mayor. Smell the leadership!
WASHINGTON -- Rudolph Giuliani's membership
on an elite Iraq study panel came to an abrupt
end last spring after he failed to show up for a
single official meeting of the group, causing the
panel's top Republican to give him a stark choice:
either attend the meetings or quit, several
sources said.
Giuliani left the Iraq Study Group last May after
just two months, walking away from a chance to
make up for his lack of foreign policy credentials
on the top issue in the 2008 race, the Iraq war.
He cited "previous time commitments" in a letter
explaining his decision to quit, and a look at his
schedule suggests why -- the sessions at times
conflicted with Giuliani's lucrative speaking tour
that garnered him $11.4 million in 14 months.
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