Green Peace
Satanic deviants, Bill Trimarco & Lisa Jensen
A Christmas miracle! The Loma Linda Homeowners Association
decide to give peace a chance.
DENVER -- A subdivision has withdrawn its threat
of $25 daily fines against a homeowner who put a
Christmas wreath shaped like a peace sign on the
front of her home.
Homeowner Lisa Jensen told The Associated Press
on Monday that the board of directors of the Loma
Linda Homeowners Association had apologized,
called the incident a misunderstanding and had
withdrawn its request for the wreath's removal.
Jensen was ordered to take the wreath down when
some residents in her 200-home subdivision saw
it as a protest of the Iraq war. Bob Kearns, president
of the board, also said some saw it as a symbol of
$25 a day for a satanic Christmas wreath? And I thought my
neighbors were assholes. I can just imagine the fun they must
have in Loma Linda when Halloween rolls around. I'm sure it's
standing room only for the Harry Potter book-burning fiesta.
Borat could probably film a entire sequel in this neighborhood
But it's nice to know there are still some fans of peace and free
speech in this country.
Jensen, a past association president, said she was
overwhelmed with hundreds of calls of support and
offers to help her pay the $1,000 fine that would be
due if she kept the wreath up until after Christmas.
"We would like to thank everyone who has contacted
us with moral support and offers of financial support.
We are grateful to hundreds of complete strangers
who felt so moved by this story they contacted us,"
she said.
"It seems whenever someone tries to say 'Peace on
Earth' it is met with so much resistance," she said.
"The incredible amount of support we have received
over the last couple of days really is proof to us of how
many people believe in peace and in our right to say it."
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