Is this how you win a war?
from the Associated Press:
The Pentagon confirmed Friday evening — after the networks' evening news shows had aired — that a U.S. soldier had deliberately kicked a prisoner's holy book.
The report also said prison guards had thrown water
balloons in a cell block, causing an unspecified number
of Qurans to get wet; a guard's urine had splashed on a
detainee and his Quran; an interrogator had stepped
on a Quran during an interrogation; and a two-word
obscenity had been written in English on the inside
cover of a Quran.
But it's all Newsweek's fault, right?
And what does the White House think about all this?
"It is unfortunate that some have chosen to take out
of context a few isolated incidents by a few individuals
without making clear the policies and practices of the
overwhelming vast majority, the 99.9 percent, of our
military personnel," said White House spokesman
Scott McCellan.
Good job, Scott. I'm sure these people will understand.
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